Programming Attiny2313 with Arduino Uno

The 2313 processor is a 20 pin chip with 17 I/O pins, it do not have a ADC (analog/digital converter)
It can be configured to run at 1 MHz and 8 MHz without External Crystal/Resonator
A comparison of the Tiny-family
2313 pinout | Connection to Arduino |
 |  |
Download the Tiny-core here:
Follow the instructions in the readme.txt file
Connect your Arduino to the Attiny according to the picture to the right
connection to Arduino:
Arduino |
Attiny2313 |
13 |
19 PB7/SCK |
12 |
18 PB6/MISO |
11 |
17 PB5/MOSI |
10 |
1 PA2/Reset |
5v |
20 VCC |
10 GND |
- Upload the ArduinoISP to the Arduino dont't connect the capacitor yet.
More information on this step
- Note: the ArduinoISP has some issues in ver. 1.00
See this fix for a solution
- Connect a 10 µF capacitor from reset to ground on the arduino (negative side to ground)
If you are using a Duemilanove use a 120 ohm resistor from reset to Vcc
- Open the blink sketch from the examples->Basic->Blink
- Select Attiny2313: Tools->Board-> Attiny2313@1MHZ
- Select ArduinoISP: Tools->Programmer->Arduino as ISP
- Upload your sketch: Select File->Upload using programmer
- Connect a LED with resitor to pin PB4 (physical pin 16)
- Now you should have a blinkining Led on your Attiny 2313
Note the factory default is 1MHz, if you want to run it @ 8MHz, use: burn bootloader.
Select board -> Attiny2313@8MHZ
Select ->Tools->Programmer->Arduino as ISP
select ->Tools->Burn Bootloader
Note: this step do not burn a bootloader to your chip, it is only used to set the fuses to another clock-speed.
When you use it in your project, it will be a good idea to connect
A 0.1 uF across VCC and GND as close
to the processor as possible, and a 10 K ohm resistor from RESET to VCC.
Communication with Attiny2313
It is always nice to be able to get debug information from your tiny.
On an Arduino you are used to use Serial.print() for this purpose.
Luckily you can use this on Attiny as well.
Actually you have more options:
TinyDebugSerial | - comes with the core files (only output from attiny) |
SoftwareSerial | - use the SoftwareSerial library (Input/output attiny) |
TinyKnockbang | - use TinyISP(only output fram attiny) |
RELAY_SERIAL | - use TinyISP(Input/output attiny) |
A more detailed explanation: here
A solution for the missing ADC
Atmel has some application notes on how to make a cheap ADC, using the comparator On the Attiny2313.
For example:
Sadly they don't provide any programming examples. But I recently found an easy solution
The sketch in the buttom of this page use a digitalRead() to measure the time in a rc-network.
In the example they use a photoresistor, but you can substitute this with a potentiometer.
I tried it With a 10 kOhm potmeter and a 0.1uF capacitor, which gave me readings between 0 and 600
In the sketch PIN 2, is PD2 on Attiny2313 - physically pin #4
Physical/logical pin numbers.
F.ex. pin 13 in the blink example is the physical pin 16
See the cheet sheet
// +-\/-+
// (D 17) PA2 1| |29 VCC
// RX (D 0) PD0 2| |19 PB7 (D 16)
// TX (D 1) PD1 3| |18 PB6 (D 15)
// (D 2) PA1 4| |17 PB5 (D 14)
// (D 3) PA0 5| |16 PB4 (D 13)*
// INT0 (D 4) PD2 6| |15 PB3 (D 12)*
// INT1 (D 5) PD3 7| |14 PB2 (D 11)*
// (D 6) PD4 8| |13 PB1 (D 10)
// *(D 7) PD5 9| |12 PB0 (D 9)
// GND 10| |11 PD6 (D 8)
// +----+
// * indicates PWM port
Coding Badly's ArduinoTinyISP
Avrdude tutorial
Avrdude, when using ArduinoISP
avrdude -P COM20 -b 19200 -p t2313 -c avrisp
Upload using TinyISP
-p attiny2313 -c stk500v1 -P COM3 -b19200 -Uflash:w:Blink.hex:i
Links regarding Attiny 2313 and Attiny85
Other Arduino links: